SUND (e. swimming) is a devised performance that premiered in Tjarnarbíó in the end of august 2023, being the opening show of the 2023-24 program.
It was created in multiple small steps from 2021 to 2023, the first step being an experimental night at the newly founded Tóma rýmið, where it was the first ever experimental work to be shown there. The show features two hot tubs, a cold tub, two jumping platforms a steambath and an observatory and spans a day in the swimming pool. Performers play poolgoers and other creatures. The work
Director: Birnir Jón Sigurðsson
Music: Friðrik Margrétar-Guðmundsson
Choreography: Andrean Sigurgeirsson in collaboration with the group
Scenography and costumes: Kristinn Arnar Sigurðsson
Lights: Fjölnir Gíslason
Producer: Kara Hergils, MurMur Productions
Photgraper: Owen Fiene
Andrean Sigurgeirsson
Erna Guðrún Fritzdóttir
Eygló Hilmarsdóttir
Friðrik Margrétar-Guðmundsson
Kjartan Darri Kristjánsson
Þórey Birgisdóttir
MBL ⭐⭐⭐⭐
“SUND er frábær sýning fyrir fólk, hvort sem það stundar sjálft laugarnar eða ekki. Hún er sjónrænt flott og sprúðlandi skemmtileg.” - Silja Björk
Gaman og stundum svo falleg að ég tók andköf - Árni Pétur